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The Story of Daddys Legacy

I was a horse crazy little girl and my non-horsey parents worked hard to help me follow my dream. When I was a teen they found me a beautiful gray quarter horse mare named Sue Bee Pat. Susie would go on to become my trusted friend and the mother to Daddys Legacy. Susie and I became a fairly successful team in the show pen, earning numerous awards. She later helped my brother and eventually my son earn many awards. I went off to college, got married, started my family and my career while my parents kept my horses for me, including Susie. In 1999 I decided I wanted to raise a foal again so I decided to breed Susie. We had since moved our horses to our own farm. I found the perfect stallion, Skip Legacy. The only draw back was he was in Arkansas and we are in South Dakota. The answer, shipped semen.

Adding the vet fees for shipped semen to my plan made it financially out of reach for my new young family. My Dad quickly volunteered to help. He wanted this to be another daddy/daughter project. He loved to see the foals born and play with the new babies.

We bred Susie and eleven months later we were awaiting her foal. My Dad, who was an over the road truck driver, waited as long as he could on a Sunday afternoon to leave, hoping he would see the new arrival. Sunday came and went and still no foal. Dad left for California, and I went to work. Late on Monday night a red dun (but destined to be gray) long legged beautiful colt was born. My whole family was there to watch, except Dad.

Dad called the first thing Thursday evening when he stopped for supper to hear all about how the new baby was doing. Dad died of a massive heart attack about one hour later at a truck rest. It was some friends of ours that suggested the name Daddys Legacy at Dad's funeral and the name instantly stuck. Daddys Legacy has turned into the horse that my Dad and I dreamed of raising and owning. My Dad always shared my dream of raising, training, and showing an AQHA Champion. In 2009 Daddys Legacy fulfilled that dream for us earning his Open AQHA Championship. My Dad and I always also shared the dream of showing at one of the AQHA World Shows. In November of 2009 Dad watched from heaven as Daddys Legacy and I showed in the AQHA World Show Open Performance stallions in a field of 26. I know Dad was cheering the loudest as our names were announced in 11th place. Daddys Legacy earned an 8th Place finish at that world show in Amateur Aged Stallions with my sister-in-law showing him.

At a horse show a spectator asked me, "Do you think he (Daddys Legacy) is the horse we get to ride in heaven?" I know so as I am sure Dad has been enjoying the ride with us from heaven! Thank you Daddy for helping this dream come true! I love you and miss you very much!

Photo-- Sue Bee Pat being held by my daddy who is standing next to me.

Left-- Sue Bee Pat being held by my Dad and I am next to dad

2009 AQHA World Show- Daddys Legacy and me

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Gonsoir Cattle and Quarter Horses

Groton, SD 57445


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Kristen Gonsoir-- AQHA Level 1Judge, POAc Judge, AQHA Professional Horseman, Clinician, Open and 4-H Judge 605.380.7066

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